Compliance Policy

Effective: 1 January 2020


This policy sets out Toll’s position on compliance.
We believe that how we go about achieving success is as important as success itself. We have a strong set of values and principles in the Toll Way that guide us to make the best decisions for ourselves and our business. Embedded within this is a commitment to always act ethically and within the law.


This policy applies to all employees and contractors of Toll.


Our Management System

These fundamental business principles are underpinned by our management system that requires the ongoing involvement and total commitment of all management, employees, contractors and suppliers to seek and achieve continuous improvement in everything we do.
Our management systems are designed to address the specific business requirements, whilst achieving and exceeding our customers’ needs and meeting or exceeding legal requirements. These systems include:

  • Applicable international standards, e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001
  • Industry based accreditations: any applicable or appropriate industry code of conduct, guide, or code of practice; e.g. dangerous goods, food safety, animal welfare, national heavy vehicle accreditation schemes (for mass, dimension, load restraint, fatigue, speed and maintenance), and more
  • Customer standards: any applicable or appropriate mutually agreed standard designed to promote, support and encourage continued improvement
  • Legislative requirements: all chain of responsibility obligations, all compliance and enforcement obligations, all statutory requirements, e.g. OH&S, load restraint, road traffic authorities, dangerous and hazardous goods, customs and quarantine, vehicle speeding, environmental management, equal opportunity, and health information
  • The safety of people and the reputation of Toll is paramount to all of us and strict compliance with this Policy will significantly enable us to achieve this.

Breaches of this Policy

All suspected breaches will be investigated and appropriate disciplinary and remedial action taken.
Employees who do not strictly comply with this Policy will face disciplinary action, including counselling, formal warnings and dismissal.

Further Information

For further information contact your manager or your Human Resources representative.


Compliance Policy 2020

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